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Running Assessment

Finding the best running form that works for you is essential to allow you to continue enjoying this form of exercise as our bodies age. Whether you are an elite runner looking to win races, or a weekend athlete, the Rose PT running assessment is the most comprehensive way to perfect your running form to

  • Run Efficiently
  • Run Faster
  • Avoid Injury

Need help overcoming a Running Injury? Get in to see one of our therapists with a special interest in running. They will assess your injury, scrutinize your biomechanics and see how that relates to your running. We have a fleet-footed team of therapists who are keen on running and want to help you out.

Simply want to avoid injury? Then book in to see one of our Running Gurus. They will complete a running assessment to take a closer look at your biomechanics, provide you with wise counsel on injury prevention and suggest any other key areas worthy of consideration. You'll go home with an exercise program to ensure you’re running smoother than ever.

Video gait analysis

Rose Physical Therapy Group offers the most comprehensive video walking or running gait analysis in the Washington, DC area. We have developed a gait analysis program that is unique to our clinic and provides substantial benefits to everyone from Olympic level runners to weekend athletes.

Our gait analysis program uses a series of appointments in which we will provide a full physical therapy evaluation and help to retrain your muscles to fire more efficiently and avoid injury. Using functional screening tools only available at Rose PT, our therapists are able to isolate and identify any sources for pain or imbalance. This screening is essential to our analysis of your gait because it allows us to understand any problems before you get on the treadmill. In the second stage of your analysis, we will observe your gait on our Woodway treadmill. Our therapists will provide you with on-the-spot advice and will then workup a full evaluation prior to your next visit.

In followup appointments, we will provide you with a full written evaluation. But what we find is of greatest value for our patients is our unique program for re-training your muscles to avoid injury. The challenges commonly associated with gait pain or inefficiency are muscle imblanaces or engrained muscle memory, and Rose PT excels at retraining your muscles to work efficiently, pain free using advanced techniques such as biofeedback.

For a running analysis appointment, please bring your regular running gear. Note that we have a shower in our clinic so that you can freshen up before returning to work.