Our approach
We keep things simple. We will explain things in simple plain English. Life is complicated enough and as impressive as long words sound we don't want to cause any unnecessary confusion or disconnect with long-winded medical terms. They’re just old fashioned and there to scare you.
Individualized attention for every appointment
The first person you meet at Rose Physical Therapy Group is your therapist, who will provide you with their direct contact information, including both phone and email. We know you might have questions in between appointments and we want to be there for you every step of the way.
Rose Physical Therapy evaluates every patient in a one-on-one 45 min to one-hour session with a board licensed physical therapist. Frequency and duration of treatment is determined by the response to therapy. You will receive a direct phone number and email address for your therapist so that you can ask questions and check in between appointments. Our goal is to provide the best quality physical therapy you can receive, anywhere.
Logical treatment for superior solutions
Your therapist will do a thorough evaluation and begin working up a hypothesis on how to attack whatever the problem may be. Your therapist will use his or her well-honed skills and talent to assess range of motion, strength, muscular tension, symmetry and stability. What makes our therapy different is that it is continually honed. There is no "treatment program" because we are constantly evaluating you and tailoring your treatments to you.
We do things differently at RosePT. Occasionally work will be done well away from where your pain is located--this is to help identify other potential causes for your discomfort. Once we identify your pain, we will work with you to cure the problem and to gain control over your symptoms.
After we get control of your pain, we will then teach you how to control it and prevent reoccurence. Our goal is to give you the knowledge and power to treat your problems, so that you can be free to get back to your life. And we are committed to getting you there as quickly we can.
Give us a call
Give us a call or Email us to setup an appointment, ask a question, or stop by and say hello if you see us at our offices. What we will need is:
- Intake form- you can download this from our web site and fill it out before coming to your appointment or you can come in a few minutes early and fill it out before your first appointment.
- Waiver and release, as well as the informed consent in order for us to render services. History and Evaluation- Your evaluation process will include thorough questions about the history and location of your symptoms and how they are effecting your normal activities. During this session we will start to develop a treatment plan. Treatment- Treatment sessions are usually 45-60 min of individualized care. Treatment may include any variation of stretching, strengthening, manual work, modalities or neuromuscular retraining.
How much will it cost?
We submit claims to any insurance company. However, if you have a deductible or wish to pay out of pocket, we charge $225 for an evaluation and $150 per appointment (updated for 2017).