Three exercises to start with for increasing core strength with a diastasis rectus abdominus are, supine march, bird dogs, and slow standing march.
Diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA) is the stretching of the linea alba, which is the connective tissue between the left and right sides of the rectus abdominus muscle, aka the six-pack abs. Although the abs are farther apart, they haven’t ripped in this “separation.” One of the first steps to addressing DRA is by managing pressure in the abdomen and increasing abdominal strength.
Previously there’s been a big focus on “closing the gap” between the abdominals however, we now know that it’s not just about that distance, it’s about the ability to manage pressure while moving, and so no exercise is specifically off the table.
A good starting place is to utilize breathing strategies to assist in getting the deeper core muscles, Transverse abdominus and obliques, to help manage intraabdominal pressure. Exhaling as if you’re blowing through a straw before and during a movement assists in activating these muscles.
Three exercises to start with when beginning to train the core are:
- Supine March. The back should remain flat and inContact with the floor as you raise one foot up, it can be helpful to time this with an exhale before and during the lift to engage the transverse abdominus.
- Bird dogs. Try to keep the back stable as you lift an arm and opposite leg with an exhale before and during movement.
- Slow March. This is a walking version of high knees where you’re slow and controlled in the movement, breathing out before and during the lift.
Try incorporating these into your routine 3-5 times a week. Start with just a few reps and gradually increase the repetitions. There are a few key questions to ask yourself and if the answers are all no, then it’s probably time to progress the exercises. Do I have pressure or pain in my pelvic region? Is there excessive doming of the linea alba? Do I have leaking during the exercise?
If you’re struggling with where to start as you begin returning to exercise and training your core, you’re experiencing pain, or you’re having leaking with exercise, it’s time to seek out help and make an appointment at Rose Physical Therapy.