Motorsports Enthusiasts
Nothing compares to the thrill of the open road or excitement of crossing terraine on a bike. We feel the same way and we apply that passion to helping other enthusiasts stay out on the road. Whether you are looking for help with ergonomics on your bike, or recovering from an accident, we have the skills to get you better quickly and to help you get the most enjoyment from your riding.
Motorsports is part of who we are. Our founder, Claire Bowe, has been a motorcycle enthusiast for over a decade and has been a nationally certified rider coach for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) since 2007. She has competed numerous Iron Butt rides of over 1,000 miles in under 24 hours on both her Triumph Daytona sport bike and her restored 1978 Honda Goldwing. She is an instructor for Apex Cycle Education and the Northern Virginia Community College. Claire is currently working through track bike training with the California Superbike School as a way to continue her own understanding of motorcycle riding dynamics so that she can pass this education on to her students.